Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Multidimensional Framework Proposed By Rockquemore And...

Lalonde, Loue, Wilson (2011) purpose was to utilize the multidimensional framework proposed by Rockquemore and colleagues (2002, 2009) to analyze multiracial identity among a broader diverse multiracial sample. The problem was that in terms of social construction of race, this particular framework acknowledged only two â€Å"traditional† options of being â€Å"Black† or â€Å"biracial†. In the introduction, the social significance for the problem was successfully identified and the intended problem was connected well with the purpose. It was stated that having a multiracial identity that is validated by others was associated with higher levels of identity integration and self-concept clarity. This led to the assumption that understanding how multiracial identity selection is related to the way self-understanding is organized and structured, and the need to explore identity selection patterns and self-understanding across mixed-race groups is highly significant. By examining a broader range of multiracial participants, Lalonde, Loue, Wilson (2011) are hoping to determine whether racial identity gives a person sense of self as well as a sense of belongingness to a group. In the introduction Lalonde, Loue, Wilson (2011) a large amount of significant background information was presented. The descriptions of multiracial identity, monoracial singular, biracial border, multiple choices protean, and beyond race transcendent, were essential and guided the understanding of selection of

Monday, December 16, 2019

Poverty and Kids Free Essays

In the United Stated, poverty and homelessness are the most serious issue all over the major cities. According to the Institute for Children and Poverty, there were an estimated 1. 35 million children were possible to undergo homelessness over the year of 2004. We will write a custom essay sample on Poverty and Kids or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the reading â€Å"Still Hungry, Still Homeless†, the authors use the data to express their concern of homelessness. On the other hand, Anna Quindlen’s article â€Å"Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids† uses a different way with different technique, which is more efficient, majorly discusses the problems of homeless children, from the cause to the effect.In â€Å"Our Tired, Our Poor, Our Kids† Anna Quindlen illustrates that there is a large group of people living in a poor circumstance with examples. From the examples of Sharanda, Edna and Rosie, their families are anxious about finding a place to live. Children who live in those families are very likely to drop out of school or be hospitalized. Although there are shelters or programs like Section 8 to help homelessness and family with low income, it seems like it still isn’t affordable for them. The author compares the homelessness with police officers, teachers and casino employees, who also aren’t able to afford to live near where they work.She also cites a report which found that a third of homeless family had thei r subsidy cut or trimmed. As a result of that, more and more mothers with kids become homelessness. Quindlen emphasizes that the problems are serious because there are hundreds of thousands of these families which need help in America. In most people’s image, homeless people are the men holding â€Å"alcohol research† cardboard on the street, are the group of people that usually got more attraction. But Quindlen differentiate between them and homeless families.She focuses on the affect that homeless children may receive, and she sympathizes with the children who â€Å"spend your childhood drifting from on e strange bed to another† (360). In the beginning of the articles, two authors use different approaches to demonstrate the topics. Quindlen use a story mode to broach the subject of the boom market of homelessness in the beginning of the article. She describes one situation where six people live together in a master-size room. There are 5 children who go to daycare or school daily and a mother who is responsible for her 3 kids.The impressive description naturally draws readers’ attention of the boom in homelessness and concerns about future of our generations. However, in â€Å"Still hungry, still homeless†, the author indicates statistical data to unfold the problem – homelessness still a challenge in America. â€Å"Requests for emergency food assistance jumped by 17 percent – the second highest rate of increase since 1992†, according to author’s point of view, the most proximate cause of homelessness in America is poverty. Many Americans are still living paycheck to paycheck.A low minimal wage, a high living condition standard, tax raise and welfare cuts are all the factors that directly affect low income Americans getting poorer and poorer. Two authors use reverse directions to conduct the same problem – poverty and homelessness. There is an undeniable connection between poverty and homelessness. In â€Å"Still Hungry, Still Homeless†, author focuses on the cause of homelessness – poverty. Employment and wages are an essential part of determining a family poverty rate. On the other hand, Quindlen analyses the influences of poverty in her article.She believes that homelessness would bring a hopeless future to our next generation. There is a strong correlation between poverty and educational attainment in a family. â€Å"National Low Income Housing Coalition calculated that the hourly income necessary to afford the average two-bedroom apartment was around $12†, less than one-third people in the country earn more than this. As we all know, the higher income a family can earn, the higher education can be provided to their children. Conversely, the poor family tends to have less income, to support their children to have more education opportunity. How to cite Poverty and Kids, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Malcolm X Essay Summary Example For Students

Malcolm X Essay Summary 1. Many believed that the oppressed people needed a leader or savior who could improve their life conditions, and Marcus Garvey would fit that description. Marcus Garvey was a black leader who started a Back-to-Africa movement in the United State. Garveys main beliefs were that blacks would never receive justice in the countries where most of the people were white. He preached that blacks should go back to Africa, their homeland, and settle there. With Malcolm Xs father strong belief in the ministry of Garveyism, Malcolm took Garvey as true; that the only way to achieve anything would be hard if the white man is ruling the country. Malcolm had to be strong while preparing for the civil rights movement; that strength would be very necessary in accomplishing anything. His fathers ministry opened up the doors of truth of the harm of the white man on the blacks in America. Malcolm said that the black people would benefit in uniting the black race.Marcus Garvey was convinced that success demanded the building of a strong economic base so that blacks will be self-sufficient (Internet, Marcus Garvey). Because of Marcus Garveys beliefs, many African Americans, found new strength and renewed their vision of success. Therefore, Garveys teaching brightened up the chance for Malcolm to achieve change during the civil rights movement; providing a chance that everything would be all right and blacks would be equal to whites. Even though Marcus Garveys helped and wanted the best for his fellow black people, he slammed fellow African-American leaders as being white puppets. Many blacks saw Marcus Garvey a lot in Malcolm X in that they both believed that the black race needs to stay just black to have real power, that the white people are the enemies, and that blacks should not mix with whites. Malcolm learned that the road would be tough because of the great power the white man has in America and that where the black man can have power would be where there is no white man in c ontrol, such as in Africa. 2. Martin Luther King Jr., shared more in common with Malcolm X, then any other contemporary civil rights leader. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had more in common after Malcolm broke away from Elijah Mohammed. Before Malcolm broke away, he was an angry man who could never see anything positive and the reason why he could not see anything positive was because the whites had no moral conscience. Malcolm also promoted segregation that is was the only way for blacks to achieve their rightful place in society. Martin Luther King, felt that blacks and whites should be united and there would be peace and happiness; this was the opposite of what Malcolm believed. In Malcolm X: The Man and His Times, Malcolm says that separatist and nationalist strategy for black survival and that only through violence would conditions change. Malcolm also says that the white society had no moral conscience and promoted the role of the angry black against racist America. After Malcolm left the Nation of Is lam, he, like Martin Luther King, believed greatly in unity and change through black pride and respect for oneself then hate and revenge, which he believed before. Malcolm even wanted to join forces with Martin Luther for their beliefs were very similar now. I think that the best thing that Malcolm and Martin Luther both believed in was the belief that blacks would attain freedom if they first get self-respect. They both fought for a difference in black America and to bring hope to blacks in the United States. Even though they had very different ways of promoting their message they both tried to bring power and strength to the black communities so that they can all rise above all the hatred that surrounded them. Malcolm X, compared to other contemporary civil rights leaders, was more aggressive. .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 , .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .postImageUrl , .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 , .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1:hover , .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1:visited , .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1:active { border:0!important; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1:active , .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1 .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5ec9b8e147a56fe140cdd64439f4d8e1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Essay On The Articles Of Confederation3. True Islam defers from the teachings of Elijah Mohammad, by Elijah and the true Islam stressed different things. Elijah Mohammad stressed that there was more than one God. That these Gods had a beginning and an end, which means they did die and did not live forever. He said that God was a black man and the first one was Wallace D. Fard. So, Elijah Mohammad said that their God was a black man and the white man was the devil. Elijah had a racist view, where he wished to never accept whites as sincere or capable of helping the blacks in their situation. He believed that Jesus was not miraculously born of a virgin. True Islam, believed in one God and that was Allah. He created all and from him they all came from only. The true Muslims believed that every righteous person is a god, but not a main God.True Muslims believed that Jesus was born from a virgin and died by being crucified on a cross. Even though they had many differences, the Nation of Islam and Islam were similar. They both called each other Muslims, they teach and worship in mosques, they appeal to the prophet Muhammad, they recite the Muslim creed, and they view the Quran as inspired Scripture. However, true Islam says that the only thing really in common is the language they both share. These true Muslims, believed that the Nation of Islam was misusing the word Islam because they were absolutely in violation of the certain basic principles contained within the Quran. 4. Malcolms trip to Mecca changes his ministry completely. It is like he opened up some doors that brought him to reality. He saw the error of his ways and moved to goodness. Before leaving to Mecca, Malcolm believed that white and blacks should not be together and that keeping them apart is the best for them both. He believed that the white man was the devil for he was keeping the black man from gaining his rightful power in the world. Malcolm felt that violence was the only way to overcome the problems of the black man out on by the white man in the world. Nevertheless, when Malcolm returned, he learned other that his ways of the past were childish and was going to lead him nowhere. He wished to start his own organization with opposite beliefs then he had before he went to Mecca. Talking to Dr. Mahmoud Youssef Sharwarbi opened his eyes to achieving his goals of freeing the black man from the white mans powers. With the help of his transformation from his return from Mecca helped hi m to bring power and strength to the black people in America so that they could rise above all the hatred and injustices that the white man put on them. Malcolm dropped his violent approach and took up a more nonviolent approach. With his new look on life, Malcolms message of black respect and black pride touched millions upon millions of blacks. Malcolms helpful speeches, which brought the black community together, helped to reach the goal of equality between all races. BibliographyClarke, John Henrik. Malcolm X: The Man and His Times. African World Press INC. September 1991. Dyson, Michael Eric. Reflecting Black: African-American Culture Criticism. 1993. Garvey, Marcus. Online. February 23, 2000. Garvey, Marcus. World Book Online. 2000. Laidlaw, Mark. Televangelist of the Marcus Garvey and his Philosophy on the Black Movement of the Nineteen Twenties. Online. February 23, 2000. Marcus Garvey the Preacher. Online. February 23, 2000. Nation of Islam. Online. February 23, 2000. Patterson, Lillie. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Freedom Movement. Checkman Books. September 1993. .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 , .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .postImageUrl , .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 , .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735:hover , .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735:visited , .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735:active { border:0!important; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735:active , .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735 .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5a611008810b3be6252d09aa23b0e735:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Private Pension Plan EssayPement, Eric. Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam: Part Two. Cornerstone. 1997. Biographies

Sunday, December 1, 2019

On the lake free essay sample

On the Lake Summary of On the Lake We get introduced to the family consisting of Oskar, Margret and their son Jonas. The family are staying at their summer cabin near a lake. The story begins in the living room, with the two men Bjorn and Whelm who have saved Oskar and Jonass life out on the lake earlier in the evening. Then a flashback of the accident begins. We hear how Oskar decides to take Jonas fishing out on the lake after dinner, even though Margret thinks it a bit too late. The two of them have no luck getting the fish to bite and Oskar declares that they better get home. But humouring Jonas, Oskar agrees to o some turns with the boat, which ends up with the boat capsizing. Luckily the two men Bjorn and Whelm see this and come to their rescue. Characterization of Margret and Oskar: Margret is a typical mother, perhaps a little overprotective. We will write a custom essay sample on On the lake or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After the accident on the lake she checks up on Jonas every five minutes, even though hes perfectly fine and fast asleep. She dreams of the perfect family, as you can see in the quote she had spent her childhood summers by the lake with her mother and her siblings, her father coming out as often as he could. She had hoped it would be the same for her nd Oskar. This shows us that she Just wants a harmonic family life, spending their summers in the idyllic little cabin by the lake Just like in her childhood. Oskar on the other hand is quite an irresponsible father. He doesnt want to talk about the incident out on the lake because he is embarrassed. He knows that it was his mistake, but does not take responsibility for it. As a father he does not set a good example, as it seems like its more important for him to impress his son, than to keep him safe. As a father he should also be able to distinguish between right and wrong. Vilhelms role: Whelm seems like hes got everything going for him and Oskar definitely feels very threatened by him. This is also the reason for Oskars actions out on the lake, when Jonas keeps using Whelm as an example of how he should turn with the boat. What makes a good father? A good father is caring and loving towards his children, and they will always be his number one priority. We see an example of the opposite in the story when Oskar lets go of Jonas, and makes sure to rescue himself first and foremost. Being supportive of his children is another important personality trait in being a good father. Your parents support is an essential need in a childs life. A good father might not always do or say what his children want him to. He should set limits for his children and also show them the consequences if they dont listen to and respect him. A child should look up to their father as if he was the greatest man on the face of the earth, and try to gain his respect. It shouldnt be the other way around where Oskar tries his best, to gain Jonass respect and it safe to say that Oskar lacks a lot of the things that makes you a good father. on the lake By lonerluna

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Coin of Alexader the Great and President Kennedys essays

Coin of Alexader the Great and President Kennedy's essays After Alexanders death, Lysimachus, one of Alexanders more powerful generals took over part of the Macedonian Empire. The coin with the head of Alexander on the obverse, was commissioned by Lysimachus Tetradrachm during his lifetime and there after. The obverse it shows the head of Alexander depicted with rams horns, and on the reverse it shows Athena (goddess of war), holding the Nike figure-personification of victory. The legend of the coin clearly reads in Greek Of Lysimachus, King. The second coin, which was originally commissioned shortly after President Kennedys tragic death has on its obverse the head of the President, and the legend In God we trust. The reverse shows the American eagle with arrows and olive branches. The legend at the top reads The United States of America and another legend on this side reads e plubribus unum-In God we trust. Though both coins portray the rulers difference in sovereignty, they have a similar function, in that they advertise the their s pecific type of leadership to the general public. The coin of Lysimachus shows Alexanders head raised a lot on the obverse side when compared with the image of Athena which is on a incuse on the reverse side. Alexanders face also takes up the whole coin, when compared to the small image of Athena on the reverse this renders Alexanders head is the most important image on this coin. The rams horns on Alexander serve to associate him with the King of the Gods Zeus-Ammon, who was shown with rams horns. The purpose is to suggest that Alexander himself was a deity. Alexanders hair is shown wild and curly, which signifies his tumultuous character. His face shows his eyes looking straight forward, with intense confidence in his eyes which suggests a man of bravery. His wrinkled forehead gives him an formidable look suggestive of his aggre...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Hillary Clinton - Position on Illegal Immigration

Hillary Clinton - Position on Illegal Immigration Hillary Clintons position on illegal immigration has shifted over time. In her campaign for president in 2016, her most recent bid for election to public office, Clinton said she supported a path to citizenship for millions of people living in the United States illegally because it would be impractical to deport them all. If we take what we  know to be the realities that we confront - 12 to  14 million people here - what will we do with them? I hear the voices from the other side of the aisle. I hear the voices on TV and radio. And they are living in some other universe, talking about deporting people,  rounding them up. I dont agree with that and I dont think its practical, Clinton has said. She has said, however, that those who have committed crimes and pose a violent threat to public safety while living in America illegally should not be permitted to stay here. Clinton has said she favors humane, targeted, and effective enforcement of the laws against illegal immigration in the United States. During the 2016 presidential campaign, she defended President Barack Obamas controversial executive action  on immigration, which would have  allowed as many as five  million people living in the United States illegally temporary,  quasi-legal status and work permits. And she opposed the idea of building a massive wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and supported the rights of a growing number of refugees and asylum seekers to tell their stories. We need comprehensive immigration reform with a path to full and equal citizenship, Clinton said in January 2016. If Congress wont act, Ill defend President Obama’s executive actions - and Ill go even further to keep families together. Ill end family detention, close private immigrant detention centers, and help more eligible people become naturalized. Obamas program, called  Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents, was essentially put on hold  by a June 2016 U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Clinton Opposed Banning Muslims Clinton has also voiced opposition to a policy put in place by Republican President Donald Trump to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States. Trump said his proposal was meant to prevent terrorist attacks on the homeland. But Clinton called the idea dangerous. â€Å"It goes against everything we stand for as a nation founded on religious liberty,† Clinton said. â€Å"He’s turned Americans against Americans, which is exactly what ISIS wants.† Clinton Mocked Trumps Border Wall But Supported a Fence On the campaign trail in 2016, Clinton openly derided Donald Trumps idea to build a tall wall along the length of the U.S. Mexico border. Hes talking about a very tall wall, right? A beautiful, tall wall. The most beautiful, tall, wall, better than the Great Wall of China, that would run the entire border, that he would somehow magically get the Mexican government to pay for. And, you know, its just fantasy. Clinton did, however, voter in favor of legislation to build a fence along 700 miles of the border, a bill called the Secure Fence Act of 2006. ... Where it was necessary, we did support some fencing, where it was necessary, we did add border patrol agents, Clinton said. Clinton Apologized for Saying  Illegal Immigrants Clinton apologized in 2015 for using the term illegal immigrants, which is considered dehumanizing. She used the term while speaking about securing the United States border with Mexico.  Well, I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in, Clinton said.   She apologized when asked about her use of the term, saying:  That was a poor choice of words. As Ive said throughout this campaign, the people at the heart of this issue are children, parents, families, DREAMers. They have names, and hopes and dreams that deserve to be respected, Clinton said.   Clintons Shifting Position on Immigration Clintons position on immigrant hasnt been as consistent as it seems. She has come under fire from some Hispanics over her support of candidates who are viewed as unfriendly to establishing a pathway to citizenship.  As first lady under President Bill Clinton, she was  on record  as supporting the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, which expanded the use of deportation and limited conditions under which it could be appealed. She has also opposed the idea of giving drivers licenses to people living in the United States illegally, a position that drew some criticism. They are driving on our roads. The possibility of them having an accident that harms themselves or others is just a matter of the odds, Clinton has said. Clinton said during her run for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination that she supported granting citizenship to people living here illegal if they meet certain conditions including paying a fine to the government, paying back taxes, and learning English. And she has also said children who cross the border illegally from Central America should be sent back as soon as it can be determined who responsible adults in their families are, because there are concerns whether all of them should be sent back. But I think all of them who can be should be reunited with their families. †¦ We have to send a clear message, just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay. So, we don’t want to send a message that is contrary to our laws or will encourage more children to make that dangerous journey.†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International business law - Essay Example A contract and an agreement do not have equal status in the eyes of the law because the former is used in a legal context whilst the other is normally employed in a generic, non-legal sense. A contract is a term used to refer to the coming together of the minds (in other words, an agreement) of two or more parties, the terms of which are binding upon them, and is enforceable in a court of law. It necessarily denotes accompanying obligations and duties of the parties. An agreement, on the other hand, is not legally enforceable and does not create binding obligations on the part of the parties.1 The word â€Å"contract† indicates a much deeper and broader implication than an agreement because of the requirement of certain essential and formal elements to constitute, features not required in an agreement. To legally constitute a contract, the elements of offer and acceptance, consideration, legality of subject, intention to create legal relations, form, and definite terms, among others, must be present.2 An agreement, which necessarily refers to offer and acceptance, is only a part of a contract, but does not make up all of it. An agreement does not need consideration, definite terms, relevant form, and an intention to create legal relations for its formation. ... Moreover, the implication of a contract’s legal enforceability is that whenever one of the parties to it have breached any of its terms, the other can seek recourse in a court of law to recover remedies in accordance with law. Thus, an injured party to a contract can apply for damages, discharge, specific performance, injunction, rescission and reformation.†4 Since agreements are not legally enforceable, the aforesaid remedies are not available to it. B. Kingsley Limited Paul’s dilemma falls into fitness of the goods for the purpose for which they were bought. This topic is dealt both by the Convention on International Sale of Goods (CISG hereinafter) and the Sales of Goods Act 1976 (SOGA hereinafter). The CISG, however, is applicable to contracts of sale of goods that take place internationally, or between a buyer and seller who live in different countries, which are contracting states of the Convention.5 The condition stated in the present problem does not seem to contemplate multi-jurisdictions, but is purely domestic, which makes the CISG inapplicable. Nonetheless, the relevant CISG is discussed without taking into consideration this particular aspect. Article 35(2) of the CISG enumerates the four specific instances when a seller delivers good, which do not conform to CISG. It is understood that non-conformity occurs under the following conditions: the goods are not fit for the purposes of their ordinary use; the goods do not fit the purpose made known to the seller by the buyer at the time the contract was concluded, except when the buyer did not rely, or it was not reasonable for him to rely, on the judgment or skill of the seller; the goods do not possess the qualities they are supposed to have as indicated by the seller, and; they are not adequately

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Intellectual Property Torts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Intellectual Property Torts - Essay Example The law identifies the following as the types of intellectual property rights; trademarks, patents, copyrights, rights emanating from industrial design and secrets of trade. In 1967, the United Nations, realizing the importance of protecting the unique ideas of people, formed the World Intellectual Property Organization (Glick et al, 21). The treaty recognized the importance of intellectual ideas in promoting the development of the economy of a state, and therefore it was essential to initiate laws meant to protect the intellectual properties. Another objective of the World Intellectual Properties Treaty was to negotiate for laws that will enable inventors of the idea an economic and moral advantage over the usage of the property Glick et al, 43). These laws will also regulate the use of the property by the public, and their access to it. Another objective of the treaty was to create measures of encouraging creativity, and the applications of the results emanating from the creative m ind. This was aimed at advancing economic and social development. The notion of intellectual property found it ways in the American Court system in 1845, at the Massachusetts circuit courts. Judge Charles Woodbury presided over a case involving Davoll et al vs. Brown. From the court system, the judge denoted that unique intellectual ideas belong to the creator, just as wheat, and animals belong to the farmer. In 1980, the United States Federal government enacted the Bayh-Dole act. Two senators, Birch Bay and Bob Dole sponsored the bill (Glick et al, 31). The main objective of the bill was to protect intellectual properties emanating from government funded research. Laws on intellectual property fall under the laws of Tort. Torts deal with undesirable results that emanate from the actions and behavior of another person. Tort is a civil case, and therefore breaching any laws that regulate the use of intellectual properties fall under the category of civil cases. A person, who sues an offender under Tort, is entitled to receive compensation from the offender. This is only after the courts analyzes the behavior and judges on whether there was a breach of the intellectual property law. This paper identifies the different ways and mechanisms of solving cases that emanate from the use of another person’s intellectual property, without authorization (Glick et al, 21). It emphasizes, and identifies the various laws and the legal procedures of solving cases that emanate from a breach of the intellectual property laws. This paper gives the various examples of intellectual properties, and their creators. It also identifies the various intellectual property case laws, and how the American court system solved the cases. It has a conclusion, which is a summary of the main arguments of the paper. This paper takes a stand that the best way to solve cases emanating from a breach of intellectual properties, is by developing laws that will protect the use and access of the intellectual property. To solve societal problems that emanate from a breach of intellectual properties, it is important to know the different types of intellectual properties in United States of America. The United States of America recognizes the following as examples of intellectual properties (Glick et al, 13), 1. Patents: A patent refers to the acquisition of all rights of an intellectual mind, by the inventor. The inventor has the right of controlling the usage and access of his inventions. The United

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hamlet - historical and political context Essay Example for Free

Hamlet historical and political context Essay The political and religious upheavals before and after the death of Henry VIII had left their mark on the people of England. The King had done previous un-heard of things: He had divorced two wives and had had two executed. In the brief reigns which followed, persecution, first of the Catholics and then of Protestants, split family allegiances and brought very real danger of imprisonment, torture, even execution. Claimants for the thrown jockeyed for position. Queen Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558 the first successor to her father, Henry Viii had been his young son Edward, ten years of age. As he was still very much under age, he had to rule through Regents. They persisted with the Protestant reforms instituted by his father after his break with the Roman Catholic. Edward died six years after coming to the throne. He was succeeded by his half-sister Mary (Tudor), who died childless after five years as Queen. She had tried to reinstate Roman Catholicism as the state religion. Elizabeth, Marys half sister, although not considered a legitimate heir to the throne, became Queen in 1558 and ruled for 45 years. Although she had been brought up as a Protestant she understood that in view of the recent religious upheaval some compromises some compromises had to be made. The country needed stability and a strong ruler. Her life had been in danger before she became Queen and there were the inevitable conspiracies to usurp her position. The tragic figurehead of one of these and the object of Elizabeths suspicion and jealousy for many years was Mary, Queen of Scots; Elizabeth at first kept her under arrest but eventually had her executed in 1587. Late in her reign, in 1601, the Earl of Essex, formerly her favorite, made his bid for power. He failed in his attempt to cause a popular up rising, was imprisoned and executed. It is not difficult to trace this atmosphere of suspicion and treachery in Hamlet, nor the reassuring promise to royalty contained in the suggestion at the end of the play that strong and humane rule will be reasserted. There were also serious threats from abroad. In 1588 Phillip II of Spain sent the Armada, a large fleet of ships, sailing up the Channel in an attempt to conquer England by force. Another foreign threat was marriage. Elizabeth constantly resisted attempts by her counselors to contract any politically advantageous marriage and she died unmarried, naming James, her Scottish cousin, already established for many years as King in Scotland, as her successor. Social and Context Elizabeth I built on the foundations laid by her father and grandfather until her power, the power of the Crown, was almost unquestioned. To help achieve the security which she and the country, needed it was important to encourage an articulate and educated aristocracy. Education and in particular classical scholarship assumed a fresh importance. In the grammar schools it is assumed that Shakespeare attended the Stratford Grammar school- Latin Language and literature were studied; prose and verse, composition, rhetoric, orations and declamations. Much was learnt by heart and in the upper school Greek was added. Shakespeares knowledge of the classical theatre, poetry and legend is evident throughout his whole body of work. How does this relate to Hamlet? The Players speech, which Hamlet has remembered, is part of the Dido and Aeneas story, the sack of Troy and the slaying of King Priam. Also, Hamlet and Horatio have been fellow-students at the University of Wittenberg. The others, to address the ghost, call upon Horatio. Hamlet clearly wanted to return to Wittenberg, to turn his back on the whole situation at the castle, and possibly to become a perpetual student and scholar until his father demands the revenge which he is unfitted to deliver. Exploration There was vitality; a fresh interest in foreign countries in the sixteenth century and exploration by sea had led to an increase in foreign trade. European foreign countries hardly seemed far away. Laertes lives very happily in Paris, away from his fathers influence. Hamlet is casually packed off by his uncle to a planned death in England. There was an extension of experience and an opening up to fresh influences, which included a new vocabulary of classical and foreign words. Printed books and pamphlets circulated more widely, so that information was more easily obtained. The Elizabethan age was establishing a feeling of national community and confidence. At the same time an increase in prosperity and a raising standard of living for many. This prosperity was also reflected in the newly built theatres and the audiences who flocked to entertainments of all kinds This is not to say that dissent and uneasiness did not exist. There will still disputes over religion and new ideas can be worrying as well as exciting. Persecution of religious minorities of the mainland caused a large influx of refugees from France and the Netherlands. It is also important to remember that some of the entertainments mentioned above were public executions. Bloodthirsty pastimes such as bull- and bear- baiting were popular. The streets were filthy and away from the main thoroughfares, in the poorer parts of the city, they resembled open sewers and rubbish dumps. The plague, spread by black rats, struck in 1592 when it ravaged the city for two years, and again in 1603, wiping out whole families and forcing those Londoners who could afford to do so to flee to the country. Theatres and all public places of entertainment were closed down. This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our AS and A Level Hamlet section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Feminism in Sor Juana Essay -- Sor Juana Estela Portillo Trambley Essa

Feminism in Sor Juana In Estela Portillo Trambley’s play Sor Juana the main character Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was considered to be one of the earliest feminists. Sor Juana’s eternal struggles to study and unshakable craving for knowledge and wisdom, from whatever source it may be, support this attribute. In my opinion however, there are also significant elements of the play that suggest that Sor Juana would not be considered a true feminist. Of these reasons, there are three major ones that I will analyze. The first reason is that Sor Juana gave up her struggle for the acquirement of knowledge from books and settled for reading from religiously accepted writing, essentially giving up what she had been originally fighting for and abandoning her previous ideals. Secondly, Sor Juana only fought for herself and what she wanted to pursue. She did not fight for other women or in other political, economic, or social spheres. Finally, the play fails to identify how Sor Juana set any kind of p recedent or example by accomplishing anything that women before her had never accomplished. In the remainder of this essay I will analyze how Trambley’s representation of Sor Juana is that of a woman concerned only with her own desires and also a woman that gave up her struggle for personal rights that she had once been so motivated to attain prior to setting any precedent for women as a group. One major reason that I do not consider Sor Juana to be the â€Å"Americas’ First Feminist† is that she gave up her struggle for what she originally wanted so badly. In the beginning, Sor Juana went through so much and worked so hard to learn and read and attain knowledge. She seemed so strong, looking past being laughed at and not taken seriously and continuing her quest to study. She began to give in and her original goals started to slip away. â€Å"†¦ and the Church will let me learn.† (151). This quote illustrates how Sor Juana joined the convent to be able to learn because she was not allowed to learn otherwise. Sor Juana settled for life in a convent. She was then forced to live a stricter lifestyle and was limited in her reading materials. It seems she complied with little struggle. Then she felt guilty for having used God in the first place to help her achieve her goal. This led to the abandonment of her original purpose altogether. Sor Juana s ays, â€Å"My whole life was s... ...hown to support the idea that Sor Juana accomplished anything that women before her did not accomplish. Sor Juana says herself, â€Å"I am only a woman incapable of changing worlds.† (184). This is also a main reason that Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, as she was represented in Trambley’s play, is not truly the â€Å"Americas’ First Feminist.† In conclusion, the reasons I have discussed above are sufficient evidence to show that Sor Juana, as she is represented in Trambley’s play is not truly the â€Å"Americas’ First Feminist.† Assertive and intelligent she was, but determined to make any change to the inequality experienced by women by being anything other than a precedent she was not. Also preventing her from being a true feminist is the fact that she was unsuccessful in accomplishing something that no woman had done before. Sor Juana abandoned her struggle to follow her dreams of pursuing something that no woman had ever accomplished prior. She was also unconcerned with the plight of other women, only her own desires to pursue her dreams. Ultimately, becoming just another obedient woman following the constraints of society is what prevents Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz from being a true feminist.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Apush Notes

1. The Shaping of North America 1. Recorded history began 6,000 years ago. It was 500 years ago that Europeans set foot on the Americas to begin the era of accurately recorded history on the continent. 2. The theory of â€Å"Pangaea† exists suggesting that the continents were once nestled together into one mega-continent. The continents then spread out as drifting islands. 3. Geologic forces of continental plates created the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. 4. The Great Ice Age thrust down over North America and scoured the present day American Midwest. 2. Peopling the Americas 1.The â€Å"Land Bridge† theory†¦ 1. As the Great Ice Age diminished, so did the glaciers over North America. 2. The theory holds that a â€Å"Land Bridge† emerged linking Asia & North America across what’s today the Bering Sea. People were said to have walked across the â€Å"bridge† before the sea level rose and sealed it off and thus populated the Americas. 2. The Lan d Bridge is suggested as occurring an estimated 35,000 years ago. 3. Many peoples emerged†¦ 1. Those groups that traversed the land bridge spread across North, Central, and South America. 2. Countless tribes emerged with an estimated 2,000 languages.Notably†¦ 1. Incas – Peru, with elaborate network of roads and bridges linking their empire. 2. Mayas – Yucatan Peninsula, with their step pyramids. 3. Aztecs – Mexico, with step pyramids and huge sacrifices of conquered peoples. 3. The Earliest Americans 1. Development of corn or â€Å"maize† around 5,000 B. C. in Mexico was revolutionary in that†¦ 1. Then, people didn’t have to be hunter-gatherers, they could settle down and be farmers. 2. This fact gave rise to towns and then cities. 3. Corn arrived in the present day U. S. around 1,200 B. C. 2. Pueblo Indians 1.The Pueblos were the 1st American corn growers. 2. They lived in adobe houses (dried mud) and pueblos (â€Å"villages† in Spanish). Pueblos are villages of cubicle shaped adobe houses, stacked one on top the other and often beneath cliffs. 3. They had elaborate irrigation systems to draw water away from rivers to grown corn. 3. Mound Builders 1. These people built huge ceremonial and burial mounds and were located in the Ohio Valley. 2. Cahokia, near East St. Louis today, held 40,000 people. 4. Eastern Indians 1. Eastern Indians grew corn, beans, and squash in â€Å"three sister† farming†¦ 1.Corn grew in a stalk providing a trellis for beans, beans grew up the stalk, squash’s broad leaves kept the sun off the ground and thus kept the moisture in the soil. 2. This group likely had the best (most diverse) diet of all North American Indians and is typified by the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw (South) and Iroquois (North). 5. Iroquois Confederation 1. Hiawatha was the legendary leader of the group. 2. The Iroquois Confederation was a group of 5 tribes in New York state. 3. They were matri lineal as authority and possessions passed down through the female line. 4.Each tribe kept their independence, but met occasionally to discuss matters of common interest, like war/defense. 5. This was not the norm. Usually, Indians were scattered and separated (and thus weak). 6. Native Americans had a very different view of things as compared to Europeans. 1. Native Americans felt no man owned the land, the tribe died. (Europeans liked private property) 2. Indians felt nature was mixed with many spirits. (Europeans were Christian and monotheistic) 3. Indians felt nature was sacred. (Europeans believed nature and land was given to man by God in Genesis to be subdued and put to use). . Indians had little or no concept or interest in money. (Europeans loved money or gold) 4. Indirect Discoverers of the New World1. The 1st Europeans to come to America were the Norse (Vikings from Norway). 1. Around 1,000 A. D. , the Vikings landed, led by Erik the Red and Leif Erikson. 2. They landed i n â€Å"Newfoundland† or â€Å"Vinland† (due to all of the vines). 3. However, these men left America and left no written record and therefore didn’t get the credit. 4. The only record is found in Viking sagas or songs. 2. The Christian Crusaders of Middle Ages fought in Palestine to regain the Holy Land from Muslims.This mixing of East and West created a sweet-tooth where Europeans wanted the spices of the exotic East. 5. Europeans Enter Africa This content copyright  © 2010 by WikiNotes. wikidot. com 1. Marco Polo traveled to China and stirred up a storm of European interest. 2. Mixed with desire for spices, an East to West (Asia to Europe) trade flourished but had to be overland, at least in part. This initiated new exploration down around Africa in hopes of an easier (all water) route.3. Portugal literally started a sailing school to find better ways to get to the â€Å"Spice Islands,† eventually rounding Africa’s southern Cape of Good Hope. . New developments emerged†¦ 1. caravel – a ship with triangular sail that could better tack (zig-zag) ahead into the wind and thus return to Europe from the Africa coast. 2. compass – to determine direction. 3. astrolabe – a sextant gizmo that could tell a ship’s latitude. 5. Slave trade begins 1. Slavery was initially race-independent. A slave was whoever lost in battle. Usually, slaves came from the Slavic regions of Europe, hence the name. 2. The first African slave trade was across the Sahara Desert. 3. Later, it was along the West African coast.Slave traders purposely busted up tribes and families in order to squelch any possible uprising. 4. Slaves wound up on sugar plantations the Portuguese had set up on the tropical islands off of Africa’s coast. 5. Spain watched Portugal’s success with exploration and slaving with envy and wanted a piece of the pie. 6. Columbus Comes upon a New World 1. Columbus convinced Isabella and Ferdina nd to fund his expedition. 2. His goal was to reach the East (East Indies) by sailing west, thus bypassing the around-Africa route that Portugal monopolized. 3.He misjudged the size of the Earth though, thinking it 1/3 the size of what it was. 4. So, after 30 days or so at sea, when he struck land, he assumed he’d made it to the East Indies and therefore mistook the people as â€Å"Indians. † 5. This spawned the following system†¦ 1. Europe would provide the market, capital, technology. 2. Africa would provide the labor. 3. The New World would provide the raw materials of gold, soil, and lumber.7. When Worlds Collide 1. Of huge importance was the biological flip-flop of Old and New Worlds. Simply put, it was a trade of life such as plants, foods, animals, germs. . From the New World (America) to the Old 1. corn, potatoes, tobacco, beans, peppers, manioc, pumpkin, squash, tomato, wild rice, etc. 2. also, syphilis 3. From Old World to the New 1. cows, pigs, horses, wheat, sugar cane, apples, cabbage, citrus, carrots, Kentucky bluegrass, etc. 2. devastating diseases – smallpox, yellow fever, malaria as Indians had no immunities. 1. The Indians had no immunities in their systems built up over generations. 2. An estimated 90% of all pre-Columbus Indians died, mostly due to disease. 8. The Spanish Conquistadores 1.Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 – Portugal and Spain feuded over who got what land. The Pope drew this line as he was respected by both. 1. The line ran North-South, and chopped off the Brazilian coast of South America 2. Portugal got everything east of the line (Brazil and land around/under Africa) 3. Spain got everything west of the line (which turned out to be much more, though they didn’t know it at the time) 2. Conquistadores is Spanish â€Å"conquerors†. 1. Vasco Balboa – â€Å"discovered† the Pacific Ocean across the isthmus of Panama.2. Ferdinand Magellan – circumnavigated the globe (h e was the first to do so). . Ponce de Leon – touches and names Florida looking for legendary â€Å"Fountain of Youth†. 4. Hernando Cortes – enters Florida, travels up into present day Southeastern U. S. , dies and is â€Å"buried† in Mississippi River, 5. Francisco Pizarro – conquers Incan Empire of Peru and begins shipping tons of gold/silver back to Spain. This huge influx of precious metals made European prices skyrocket (inflation). 6. Francisco Coronado – ventured into current Southwest U. S. looking for legendary Cibola, city of gold. He found the Pueblo Indians. 3. Encomienda system established 1.Indians were â€Å"commended† or given to Spanish landlords 2. The idealistic theory of the encomienda was that Indians would work on the farm and be converted to Christianity. But it was basically just slavery on a sugar plantation guised as missionary work. 9. The Conquest of Mexico 1. Hernando Cortez conquered the Aztecs at Tenochti tlan. 2. Cortez went from Cuba to present day Vera Cruz, then marched over mountains to the Aztec capital. 3. Montezuma, the Aztec king, thought Cortez might be the god Quetzalcoatl who was due to re-appear that very year. Montezuma welcomed Cortez into Tenochtitlan. . The Spanish lust for gold led Montezuma to attack on the noche triste, sad night. Cortez and men fought their way out, but it was smallpox that eventually beat the Indians. 5. The Spanish then destroyed Tenochtitlan, building the Spanish capital (Mexico City) exactly on top of the Aztec city. 6. A new race of people emerged, mestizos, a mix of Spanish and Indian blood. 10. The Spread of Spanish America 1. Spanish society quickly spread through Peru and Mexico 2. A threat came from neighbors†¦ 1. English – John Cabot (an Italian who sailed for England) touched the coast of the current U.S. 2. Italy – Giovanni de Verrazano also touched on the North American seaboard. 3. France – Jacques Cartier went into mouth of St. Lawrence River (Canada). 3. To oppose this, Spain set up forts (presidios) all over the California coast. Also cities, like St. Augustine in Florid # 4. Don Juan de Onate followed Coronado’s old path into present day New Mexico. He conquered the Indians ruthlessly, maiming them by cutting off one foot of survivors just so they’d remember. 5. Despite mission efforts, the Pueblo Indians revolted in Pope’s Rebellion. 6.Robert de LaSalle sailed down the Mississippi River for France claiming the whole region for their King Louis and naming the area â€Å"Louisiana† after his king. This started a slew of place-names for that area, from LaSalle, Illinois to â€Å"Louisville† and then on down to New Orleans (the American counter of Joan of Arc’s famous victory at Orleans). 7. â€Å"Black Legend† – The Black Legend was the notion that Spaniards only brought bad things (murder, disease, slavery); though true, they also brought good things such as law systems, architecture, Christianity, language, and civilization, so that the Black Legend is partly, but not entirely, accurate.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

References in This Document to Finale Sports Bar & Grill

finale sportsbar and grill that will deffenitely swit your needs. its deffenetely your plan – helpful and genious. pleasem enter more descriptive title Business Plan For Finale Sports Bar & Grille Executive Summary References in this document to â€Å"Finale Sports Bar & Grill,† â€Å"company,† â€Å"we,† â€Å"us† and â€Å"our† refer to the business of Finale Sports Bar & Grill. Finale Sports Bar is a growing restaurant featuring a variety of boldly flavored, made-to-order menu items. Our restaurants create an inviting neighborhood atmosphere that includes an extensive multi-media system, a full bar and an open layout, which appeals to sports fans and families alike.Our concept offers elements of the quick casual and casual dining restaurant concepts featuring a flexible service model that allows our guests to choose among convenient dining options such as quick casual counter service, casual dining table service or take-out. Our award-winn ing food and inviting atmosphere, combined with our guests’ ability to customize their dining experience, drives guest visits and loyalty. We want to establish our brand through coordinated marketing and operational execution that ensures brand recognition and the quality and consistency of our concept.These efforts include marketing programs, award-winning advertising to support our restaurant. Our concept is further strengthened by our emphasis on operational excellence supported by stringent operating guidelines and comprehensive employee training. Our business goal is to continue to grow and develop the Finale Sports Bar & Grill. To do so, we plan to execute the following †¢ Offer a boldly flavored menu with broad appeal. †¢ Create an inviting, neighborhood atmosphere. †¢ Enable our guests to customize their dining experience. Continue to strengthen the Finale Sports Bar & Grill name. †¢ Focus on operational excellence. †¢ Increase same-store sale s and average unit volumes. Introduction Finale Sports Bar and Grill will strive to be the premier sports theme restaurant in the Sunny County region. This will be the first sports bar in this region. At this sports bar we want our customers to have more fun during their leisure and dining time. The sports bar will provide more televisions with more sporting events than anywhere else in the region.The sports bar will provide state-of-the-art table-top audio control at each table so the customer can listen to the selected program of his or her choice without interference from background noise. The sports bar will combine menu selection, atmosphere, lighting, and service to create a sense of excitement in order to reach our goal of over-all value in a dining and entertainment experience. Finale Sports Bar and Grill will be held privately by a LLC company which will be owned by Jack Johnson to financially back the new business venture.I will still be the principal owner of the bar. In order to start the company I will have to get a loan of an undisclosed amount (not known at this time). This loan will provide start up capital, financing for a building and supplies, pay for permits and licensing, employee training, and anything else that should arise. The expected open date for this bar and grill will be December 10th, 2006. This will give us the opportunity to serve customers for New Year’s and the Super Bowl. Industry Analysis This restaurant industry is very large and sometimes hard to get exact numbers.There are many categories of restaurants so I outlined Services sector and the restaurant industry according to Yahoo finance. â€Å"The nation's 900,000 restaurants should hit $476 billion in sales in 2005, according to the National Restaurant Association's 2005 Restaurant Industry Forecast†. Restaurants employ12. 2 million, this is 9% of the workforce in the United States, and the industry is the largest employer besides government. These numbers include single owner restaurants to the largest franchises in the world. The growth trends for the restaurant industry are forecast to advance 4. 9% in 2005.Analyst predict that the U. S. Restaurant Industry which created, on average, about 270,000 new jobs per year during the last 10 years is on track to add 1. 8 million new jobs during the next 10 years. On a typical day, the industry will post average sales of $1. 3 billion. The industry trends to watch: †¢ Greater use of technology and worker training as a means to boost productivity and efficiency. †¢ Continued increased focus on healthy lifestyles and restaurants providing customers with choices and customization. †¢ Increased upgrades and improvements in decor and becoming environmentally friendly.The sports bar & grill will have to serve several market sectors. We will have a family atmosphere as well as cater to the sports enthusiast. The restaurant will have to serve multiple uses; for example workday lunch , dinner with the family, watching the big game, late-night cravings, and take-out. There will be eating and drink and sports being watched but I plan to have different sections for different dining experiences. There is a wall that divides the bar area from the family (I say family area but this is just a little quieter) area. No matter where you sit there will still be TV’s so you can watch sporting events.The regulatory issues I’ll have to look more closely into are the liqueur licenses, wages for employees, building permits, and any local ordinances that may affect my business. Organization Finale Sports Bar and Grill will be held privately by a LLC company owned by Jack Johnson. The restaurant will be located in the town of Car. Car is great for tourism so a local restaurant should prove to be a good business venture. The restaurant will need to serve several market sectors. It will have a family atmosphere as well as to cater to the sports enthusiast. The restaur ant will have a lunch menu, dinner menu, and the bar menu.The restaurant will also have weekly happy hour drink specials along with lunch and dinner specials. To help save on insurance cost and claims top management will stress safety, stress safety, and stress more safety. Safety starts with the hiring process. The company will be thorough in efforts to screen employees and will consider pre-employment drug tests. This should reduce on the job accidents that lead to insurance claims. The insurances for the restaurant will need to acquire will be workman’s compensation, property & liability, liquor liability, and health insurance.Workman’s compensation covers employees in case of harm attributed to the workplace. The property and liability insurance protects the building from theft, fire, natural disasters, and being sued by a third party. Liquor liability insurance provides coverage for bodily injury or property damage for which the insured may be held liable for cont ributing intoxication to any person. The company will need liquor liability insurance before liquor licenses is granted. Employee health insurance will be provided for the full time employee and will probably be the most expensive.I could not find any actual prices for insurance cost so I went through an online insurance company. So I’m waiting on the price quote for complete insurance cost; I should have it by the end of the day. The restaurant will need to get numerous licenses to operate. They include: †¢ A food service license is required with your  local health department. †¢ A sales tax license is required through the Michigan Department of Treasury. †¢ A liquor licenses filed through the Liquor Control Commission. Restaurants and bars pay $600 a year for a liquor license. An entertainment permit is required with the Liquor Control Commission in addition to the liquor license. †¢ If cigarettes are sold by a vending machine, the restaurant will have to contact the Department of Treasury After sales top $100,000 the restaurant will higher an outside accounting firm to handle the books. We will forecast a sales growth of 10% per year. The company will gain market share because the quality of the meals and the friendly experience. Management/Human Resources At the present time Jack Johnson will run all operations for Finale Sports Bar & Grill.Other key personnel are the assistant management positions, bartenders/hostesses, waiters/waitresses and cooks. There is not expected to be any shortage of qualified and available staff and management from local labor pools in each market area. Benefit plan for full time employees †¢ Health insurance will be provided for all full-time personal. †¢ One paid vacation week after a year of employment. †¢ Three sick days will be provided †¢ 401k option if employee desires †¢ Dental will be on a 60/40 pay program †¢ Education reimbursement will be provided on books on ly Jack Johnson will be the owner and manger of Finale Sports Bar & Grill.His general duties will be to oversee the daily operations of restaurants, inventory and ordering of food, equipment, and supplies and arrange for the routine maintenance and upkeep of the restaurant, its equipment, and facilities. The manager will take a monthly drawl of $2,500 per month. There will be two assistant managers for the restaurant and their duties will be to oversee the personal when the manager is not available. One of the managers will deal mainly with the cooks and the other with the wait staff and bartenders. Each assistant manager will be paid $12. 50 per hour and get the benefit plan.There will be four cooks and each scheduled to work at least forty hours a week. They will have eight hour shifts and get paid $10 per hour. The benefit plan is also provided. The will be three hostess/bartenders, they will be able to do both duties. They will be able to get forty plus hours a week if they desi re. They will get paid $6. 00 per hour and also receive the benefit plan. There will be seven to ten waiters/waitresses on staff. The will also have to clean the table as well as wait on customers. There will be some part time positions and full time positions. They will get paid $2. 5 per hour and whatever there gratuity is. Manage Team Structure Top Manager | | Assistant managers | | | || Cooks Hostess/Bartender Waiters/Waitresses As soon as the restaurant gets past $300,000 in sales an outside accountant will be brought in and will be in charge of the books. Employees will be trained not only in their specific operational duties but in the philosophy and applications of our concept. They will receive extensive information from the managers and be kept informed of the latest information on healthy eating.For process and benchmarking a big emphasis is being placed on extensive research into the quality and integrity of our products. They will constantly be tested for our own high s tandards of freshness and purity. Food costs and inventory control will be handled by our computer system and checked daily by management. Operations The key food suppliers for the business will be Sysco Foods or Gordon Food Service. These two suppliers supply the same goods so the restaurant manager will choose which vendor to do business with. The restaurant will select with the supplier that provides us a store credit, has exceptional elivery times, and has the best overall prices. We will get the office supplies from Office Max or Staples. The rest of the restaurant supplies (pots, pans, silverware, cooking utensils) will come from Atlas Restaurant Supply. The inventory management and order taking and processing will all be done on touch screen monitors placed throughout the restaurant and bar area. We will have to buy the touch monitors and maybe even a couple hand held order entry units. The software the business will use is from Digital Dining, which is the premiere restauran t software. This software can be altered to the businesses needs.The software will include a point of sale menu, inventory control analysis, credit card sales, bar and quick serve menu, office management, and much more. With this software there are so many applications it could do I could write the paper on this alone. We will provide ongoing training programs to assist with customer service and quality control. The training will include preparation of menu items, quality and food portion control, beverage and inventory management, using the software, cleanliness, organization and sanitation standards, marketing and public relations.The facility size the business is looking for is building with a seating capacity of around 100 to 150 people or 25,000 sq. feet. This may sound big but if there is a big sports event we want to pack them in, or people just don’t want to sit next to other people this would give them space to spread out. The business will need to get all the kitche n hardware needed to run a restaurant of this size; this includes stoves, refrigerators, freezers, microwaves, deep fryers, and many other items. We will also have to buy the big screens televisions, audio equipment, arcade games, and the table top monitors with there own audio control.When benchmarking we will compare our business to a larger business in a larger geographic area, mainly Buffalo Wild Wing’s or Applebee’s. The business will measure and compare the number of guest per day, number of meals and drinks served, cost of supplies, and the waste percentage. With all these we should be able to be the premiere bar and grill in Sunny County. Competitive Analysis Finale Sports Bar and Grill is a casual dining restaurant. The geographic area that Finale Bar and Grill will cover is mostly Car and surrounding smaller towns.According to Dun & Bradstreet analysis of businesses located in Sunny County they are classified under SIC code 58, eating and drinking places. Wit h this bar and grill, I hope to move in on the customers traveling to bigger cities for their eating and entertainment needs and in return increasing my market share. There are many small restaurants in the area but none with the sports bar and grill theme (shown in the appendix). The sales for the restaurants in this area range from under $200,000 up to $2. 4 million. The closest sports bar is in Ridges, which is a forty minute drive away.The current restaurants located in Car offer a casual dining experience but with no sports watching entertainment. The top competitor is BW3’s which is in Ridges. BW3’s is a sports bar that offers an extensive menu with chicken products, full bar service, and sporting events on many TV’s. BW3’s has the same target market that I’m trying to furnish to. They have a casual family dining experience and sports bar theme one in one restaurant. I will differentiate myself from BW3’s by offering a full menu select ion, close to home atmosphere, and a dining experience free from stress.BW3’s SWOT analysis will help me to better understand my business, determine my target market, and develop a marketing plan. Strengths †¢ Has name recognition †¢ Offers a chicken filled menu and full bar selection. †¢ Target market is anyone that would like to watch sports in a bar or restaurant atmosphere. †¢ Uses TV and radio commercials to communicate to their markets. †¢ Offer high quality audio and video equipment for their customer viewing and listening pleasures. †¢ Location †¢ Staff Weaknesses †¢ Location is a long driving distance from Car †¢ Offer mainly chicken products, some shrimp, and maybe a couple burgers.Opportunities (for Finale Sports Bar) †¢ Finale Sports Bar could offer a full restaurant menu. †¢ Could take market share away from nightclubs. †¢ Entertainment for children †¢ Family friendly atmosphere †¢ Close locati on Threats (for Finale Sports Bar) †¢ Another sports bar could move into this area. †¢ Fast food chains, people could get their food and watch sports at home. †¢ Increase food prices †¢ Inflation affecting operations for food, labor, and restaurant operating costs. †¢ Keeping trained efficient staff. †¢ Economy- people getting laid off and spending less money eating out.Other competitors of Finale Sports Bar and Grill are fast food chains such as McDonalds, Subway, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC and Wendy’s. While these are not direct competitors of Finale Sports Bar and Grill because of the different market niche that they operate in, these companies still compete for the same market share of individuals dinning out. And all the fast food companies are within the same geographic area. Marketing Finale Sports Bar & Grill target market is based on serving the sports enthusiast, the business entertainer/owner, tourism, and the local night crowd, as we ll as families dining out.We want a variety of customers and will make sure everybody can enjoy Finale Sports Bar & Grill experience. Finale Sports Bar & Grill is planning on opening on December 10th and having a grand opening on January 10th. The opening date will be a couple weeks before the grand opening and this will allow the employees to become familiar with the operations and customer interaction. The grand opening will be advertised in the local papers and on the radio. Once the newness of the restaurant has subsided, Finale Sports Bar & Grill will pursue an ongoing marketing campaign targeted at the local market. PricingAll menu items are moderately priced. An average customer bill is between $5 and $15 including food and drink. Bills will be considerably larger for game day visitors. Our goal is to keep the customer happy and in the end they will spend more. At Finale Sports Bar & Grill we tend to believe that this is due to us creating an atmosphere that encourages longer stays and more spending but still allows adequate table vacancies due to extended hours of business. Promotional Tools †¢ Advertising o Wall posters advertising specials and menu items o V. I. P. parties available o In-store tour given to every new customer Outdoor message board changed weekly or daily o Grand Opening celebration o Yearly store birthday parties to celebrate the success of each year o Telephone book the business will a large advertisement in the local phone book †¢ Local Store Marketing / Public Relations o School programs – perfect attendance, honor roll, management internships o Local charity carwash site or clothes donation site o Customer raffle for sports jersey’s or gift certificates o Sponsor local softball teams, these will be jersey’s with Finale Sports Bar & Grills name on it. Local Media o Direct mail – containing interior pictures of our restaurant, our prices, â€Å"Theme Nights,† and an explanation of our co ncept o Radio campaign – complete with live remotes in our parking lot. We will pick the three top local stations with which to place our short and catchy ads. We will also sponsor radio call-in contests with free meal coupons to Finale Sports Bar and Grill as the prize. We will also make â€Å"live on the air† presentations of our food products to the disk jockeys, hoping to get the promotions broadcasted to the listening audience. Newspaper campaign – placing several large ads throughout the month to explain our concept to the local area o Cable TV – will be a possibility if we can secure favorable rates with enough frequency. o Restaurant web page – this will give the internet users access to menus, daily specials, weekly promotions, and even placing pick up orders Finale Sports Bar & Grill marketing budget will be a flexible five thousand per quarter. Being flexible in the marketing budget will let the advertisers adjust for different sporting events such as the Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, NBA finals, NASCAR events and the World Series.The marketing budget can be allocated in any way that best suits the time of year as long as there is always a flyer being distributed to the local papers. To monitor how well Finale Sports Bar & Grill is doing we will measure how well the advertising campaign is working. We will take random survey’s of the customer that or in the restaurant. What we would like to know is how the heard of the restaurant and how they like it. In order to get responses to the surveys their will be discounts given to their order.Sample marketing budget (per quarter) Newspaper flyer – $1250 Radio advertisement – $1000 Web Page – $500 Customer raffle – $250 Direct mail – $750 Cable TV – $1250 $5000 The Sales plan for Finale Sports Bar & Grill is train the wait staff to have extra’s added onto the order. The wait staff will be trained on when to ask the custome r if they would like appetizers, deserts or additional menu items. Few things are more important in any business then positive training of staff that leads to productive and profitable results.Simply put – the better the training, the better the service. And in the end the better the service the employees have, the greater the returns on every aspect of your business. Finale Sports Bar and Grill will be committed to maximizing our purchasing power by building lasting relationships with local vendors and companies that will benefit all areas of our business. We will work directly and closely with all related industry contacts to ensure our restaurant the highest quality products and merchandise at best available prices.This will cover all aspects of our business from food & bar purchases to retail and merchandise items, fixtures and equipment. Assumption Page †¢ Organization The cost for insurance FICA = 6. 2%, MCARE = 1. 45%, MESA = 2. 7%, FUTA = 0. 8%. This will equal a payroll tax about 11%. †¢ Management / Human Resources Finale Sports Bar & Grill plans to employee 10 to 20 employees. The hours are 11:00 AM till Midnight, seven days per week. 4 Cooks @ $10/hr, 7 Waitress @ $2. 65/hr, 3 Hostess/Bartender (they can also do other job duties) @ $6. 00/hr, 2 assistant managers @ $12. 0/hr. Open 360 days / year. †¢ Operations The operating expense for each month will include bank payment, supplier payment, utilities and insurance. The bank payment will include cost of the new facility, all equipment, and other operating expenses. The business owner will contribute $25,000. †¢ Marketing There will be a marketing budget of $5000 per quarter. There will be extra marketing money for the grand opening celebration. The amount of the financing needed from the bank will be approximately $300,000. This will be repaid over the next 10 years at $3,350 per month.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Names of Occupations and Job Titles in Spanish

Names of Occupations and Job Titles in Spanish Chances are that when you start talking with native Spanish speakers, one of the first things youll talk about is your jobs or occupations- or what you hope to do someday. Heres a guide to talking about occupations in Spanish along with a list of the most common types of jobs. List of Occupational Names Many of the job titles below seem familiar, as many are English cognates, having come from Latin. Keep in mind, though, that in a few cases the meanings in similar-sounding titles dont always line up exactly, sometimes because of cultural differences. A secondary-school teacher in Latin America, for example, might be known as a profesor, while in the United States, at least, the word professor is used primarily at the university level. In this list, the masculine forms are given. The feminine forms are given following a slash (/) in cases where they dont follow the rules above. Note also that different words may be used in some areas, or for certain specialties. Accountant- contador, contableActor/actress- actor/actrizAdministrator- administradorAmbassador- embajadorArchaeologist- arqueà ³logoArchitect- arquitectoArtist- artistaAthlete- atleta, deportistaAttorney- abogadoBaker- panaderoBarber- barberoBartender- mesero, cantineroBeautician- esteticistaBiologist- bià ³logoBusinessman/businesswoman- hombre/mujer de negocios, empresarioButcher- carniceroCaptain- capitnCarpenter- carpinteroChemist (pharmacist)- armacà ©uticoChemist (scientist)- quà ­micoChief executive officer- director generalClerk (office worker)- oficinistaClerk (retail worker)- dependienteCoach- ntrenadorComputer programmer- programadorCook- cocineroDancer- bailarà ­n/bailarinaDentist- dentistaDoctor, physician- mà ©dicoDriver- conductorEditor- redactorElectrician- electricistaEngineer- ingenieroFarmer- agricultor, granjeroFirefighter- bomberoFlorist- floristaGeologist- geà ³logoGuard- guardiaHotelier, innkeeper- hoteleroJeweler- joyeroJournalist- cronistaKing/que en- rey/reinaLandlord- dueà ±oLawyer- abogadoLibrarian- bibliotecarioMail carrier- carteroMechanic- mecnicoMidwife- comadronaMinister (politics)- ministroMinister (church)- pastorModel- modelo (no separate feminine form)Musician- mà ºsicoNurse- nfermeroOptometrist- optà ³metraPainter- pintorPharmacist- farmacà ©uticoPilot- piloto (separate feminine form rarely used)Poet- poetaPresident- presidente/presidentaProfessor- profesor, catedrticoPsychologist- sicolà ³gicoRabbi- rabinoSailor- marineroSalesman/saleswoman- dependiente, vendedorScientist- cientà ­ficoSecretary- secretarioServant- criadoSocial worker- asistente socialSoldier- soldadoStudent- estudianteSurgeon- cirujanoTeacher- maestro, profesorTherapist- terapeutaVeterinary- veterinarioWaiter- camarero, meseroWelder- soldadorWriter- escritor Grammar of Occupations Gender One matter of some confusion can be the gender of the occupational names. In many cases, the same word is used to refer to a man as to a woman. For example, a male dentist is el dentista, while a female dentist is la dentista. In some cases, there are distinct forms, such as el carpintero for a male carpenter and la carpintera for a female carpenter. In many cases, both forms can be used to refer to a female. For example, the boss is el jefe if hes male, but either la jefe or la jefa if shes female, depending on the region and, sometimes, whos speaking. Similarly, la mà ©dica is used to refer to a female doctor in some areas, but in other areas la mà ©dico is used and/or might be considered more respectful. In nearly all cases, using la with the masculine form is the safer choice if youre not sure of local usage. Otherwise, the feminine form of the occupations ending in -o are formed by changing the -o to an -a. Occupations that end in -dor are changed to -dora for the feminine. Occupation names that already end in -a are the same in masculine or feminine. Use of the Indefinite Article Unlike English, Spanish does not use the indefinite article- a or an in English, and un or una in Spanish- when specifying someones occupation: No soy marinero; soy capitn. (I am not a sailor; I am a captain.)Mi madre es profesor de ciencia. (My mother is a science teacher.)Felipe Calderà ³n era presidente de Mà ©xico. (Felipe Calderà ³n was president of Mexico.)Se hizo actriz extraodrinaria. (She became an extraordinary actress.) However, the article can be used in other situations, such as when talking about an occupation in general: Un actor es una persona que interpreta un papel. (An actor is a person who plays a role.)El juez condenà ³ a un dentista por hacer extracciones innecesarias. (The judge sentenced a dentist for performing unnecessary extractions.) ¿De dà ³nde saca la inspiracià ³n un escritor? (Where does a writer get inspiration from?) Some occupation names can be used in ways characterize actions rather than referring to occupation, in which case the article can be used. Todos sabà ­an que el despota era un carcinero psicoptico. (Everyone knew the dictator was a psychopathic butcher).Mi moto es un psicolà ³gico, y la velocidad mi terapia. (My motorcycle is a psychologist, and speed my therapy.) Key Takeaways Many occupations names in Spanish are similar to those of English because they both come from Latin.The indefinite article (un or una) is not typically used when referring to someones occupation.Separate feminine and masculine forms exist for the names of some occupations, although their use varies across regions.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Art a Play by Yasmina Reza

Art a Play by Yasmina Reza Marc, Serge, and Yvan are friends. They are three middle-aged men of comfortable means who have stayed friends with each other for fifteen years. Since men of their age often lack opportunities to meet new people and sustain new friendships, their courtesy towards and their tolerance for one another’s quirks and affinities have been worn raw. At the opening of the play, Serge is smitten with his acquisition of a new painting. It is a modern art piece (white on white) for which he paid two hundred thousand dollars. Marc can’t believe that his friend bought a white on white painting for such an extravagant amount of money. Marc could not care less about modern art. He believes that people ought to have a few more standards when it comes to determining what is good â€Å"art† and therefore worthy of two grand. Yvan gets caught in the middle of Marc and Serge’s arguments. He does not find the painting or the fact that Serge spent so much to acquire it as offensive as Marc does, but he doesn’t adore the piece as much as Serge does. Yvan has his own real-life problems. He is planning a wedding with a fiancà © turned â€Å"bridezilla† and a host of selfish and unreasonable relatives. Yvan tries to turn towards his friends for support only to be ridiculed by both Marc and Serge for not having a strong opinion in their war over the white on white painting. The play culminates in a confrontation among the three strong personalities. They throw every personal choice that the others disagree with and look down on into each other’s faces. A piece of art, a visual and external representation of inner values and beauty, causes Marc, Yvan, and Serge to question themselves and their relationships to the core.  Ã‚   At his wit’s end, Serge hands Marc a felt tip pen and dares him to draw over his white on white, two hundred thousand dollars, adored, a piece of art. How far will Marc go to prove that he truly doesn’t believe that this painting is actually art? Production Details Setting: The main rooms of three different flats. Only a change in the painting above the mantle determines whether the flat belongs to Marc, Yvan, or Serge.Time: The presentCast Size: This play can accommodate 3 male actors. Roles Marc: Marc is a strongly opinionated man when it comes to what he values and an extremely condescending one towards what he does not value at all. Other people’s feelings do not factor into his decisions or filter the manner in which he talks to them and about them. Only his girlfriend and her homeopathic remedies for stress seem to have any sway over his strong and acerbic personality. On his wall above his mantel hangs a figurative painting that is described as â€Å"pseudo-Flemish† of a view of Carcassonne.Serge: Serge, according to Marc, has recently taken a dive into the world of Modern Art and has fallen head over heels with a newfound respect for it. Modern Art speaks to something within him that makes sense and which he finds beautiful. Serge has recently gone through a divorce and has a dim view of marriage and anyone searching to make a commitment to another person. His rules for life, friendship, and art went out the window with his marriage and now he has fo und peace in the realm of Modern Art where the old rules are thrown out and acceptance and instinct govern what is valuable. Yvan: Yvan is less high strung than his two friends about art, but he has his own issues in life and love that make him just as neurotic as Marc and Serge are. He begins the play stressed about his upcoming wedding and looking for a little support. He finds none. Although the physical production of art on canvas means less to him than it does to the others, he is more in tune with the psychological responses and reasonings behind such responses than either Marc or Serge are. That aspect of his personality is what thrusts him into being the middleman in this fight between friends and why he gets belittled by both of them. He actually cares more about their feelings and well-being than they do for him or each other. The painting above the mantel in his flat is described as â€Å"some daub.† The audience finds out later Yvan’s is the artist. Technical Requirements Art is light on technical requirements for production. Production notes specify the need for only a single set of a man’s flat, â€Å"as stripped down and neutral as possible.† The only object that should change between scenes is the painting. Serge’s flat has the white on white canvas, Marc’s has the view of Carcassonne, and for Yvan, the painting is the â€Å"daub.† Occasionally the actors deliver asides to the audience. Marc, Serge, or Yvan take turns stepping out of the action and addressing the audience directly. Lighting changes during these asides will help the audience understand the break in the action. No costume changes are needed and there are few props required for this production. The playwright wants the audience to focus on the art, the friendships, and the questions the play brings up. Production History Art was written in French for a French audience by playwright Yasmina Reza. It has been translated many times and produced in many countries since its debut in 1996. Art was performed ​on Broadway at the Royale Theater in 1998 for a run of 600 shows. It starred ​Alan Alda as Marc, ​Victor Garber as Serge, and Alfred Molina as Yvan. Content Issues: Language Dramatists Play Service holds the production rights for Art (translated by Christopher Hampton). Inquiries for producing the play may be made through the website.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Strategic issues and options facing your organisation Essay

Strategic issues and options facing your organisation - Essay Example Strategic investments that are made by the companies are indicative of the strategic direction and intentions. A few years ago Apple Computer was an innovative organization since its founding in 1970`s. However Dell was far superior to Apple on unit cost KSF (Key Factor Success) and inferior to Apple on innovation KSF (Key Factor Success). Over time Dell worked diligently to lower its unit cost structure and its trajectory from past to its present position portrays its accomplishments. Again Apple has continued to push its innovation agenda with the introduction of Cube, Mac Book air and G3. Apple has realized the importance of price competitiveness as a reason of which it has made substantial improvements in its unit cost dimension. To achieve further reductions in the unit cost, Dell can expect that Apple will evaluate a range of strategic options that will help in fulfilling this intention. Since PC manufacturing costs are connected with economies of scale, Apple has the option of making their PC`s more attractive to a larger audience. It is for this reason that Apple developed its own software that enabled the users to run Windows and Windows based software on their Apple computers in 2006. This made Apple`s computing platform viable option for ten millions of computer users who could experience a significant switching cost for using Apple by giving up Windows. To elaborate the first question, Apple`s rapid growth has been accelerated by introducing new platforms which they have extended for superior growth and profits. Platform growth trajectories generally decline with age. Apple did a great job by increasing the growth of the Mac platform by shifting the mindset from desktop to portables and lately to Mac Book Air. When the sale of iPods media players went down by 17%, Apple was able to bounce back with the new and more expensive iPod Touch Model. Experts say that by 2013, the market